System User Agreement
As a user of WebGrants, a Commonwealth Information system, I understand and agree to abide by the following terms which govern my access to and use of these information technology services:
The system is to be used only for the submission, tracking and approval of grant applications; management of grant agreements and funding; tracking of site visits; and the submission and payment of claims for grant funds. Access has been granted to me as a necessary privilege in order to perform authorized job functions for the Commonwealth. I understand and agree that I am prohibited from using or knowingly permitting use of any assigned or entrusted access control mechanisms (such as log-in IDs and passwords) for any purpose other than those required to perform my authorized job functions.
I understand and consent that “Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services and its contractors acting on behalf of the agency” have the right to monitor, record and audit any and all aspects of the information system as needed.
I understand and agree that I will not disclose information concerning any access control mechanism of which I have knowledge unless properly authorized to do so, and I will not use any access mechanism which has not been expressly assigned to me.
I agree to abide by all applicable Code of Virginia laws, Commonwealth policies, standards and guidelines, which relate to the security of Commonwealth information technology services and the information contained therein.
By proceeding, I hereby acknowledge and certify that I understand the preceding terms and provisions and that I accept the responsibility of adhering to the same. I further acknowledge that any infractions of this agreement or unauthorized use of the information system is prohibited and subject to criminal and civil penalties, including but not limited to the termination of my access privileges.
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Dulles Technology Partners Inc.
WebGrants 7.5.1